Все публикации

How to import dataset from local machine to Google Colab ? step-by-step method

Getting Started with Jupyter Notebook

Getting started with Google Colab

Problem 9 - Matrix Multiplication

Problem 5 - Linear Search

Hello World in Machine Learning!

Problem 11 - declare, read and display string using unformatted I/O functions

Problem 10 - declare, read and display strings using formatted I/O functions

Problem 4 - Display array elements less than price

Problem 3 - Make the elements present at odd index to 0

Problem 2 - Sum of array elements

Problem 1 - Read and Display array elements

Problem 12

Problem 14

Problem 13

Problem 15

Problem 23

Problem 21 and 22

Problem 24 and 25

Exercise Problem - Sum of series

Exercise Problem - Sum of even numbers

Exercise Problem - Vehicle Rental Center

Problem 10

Problem 11 - using Logical Operator