Все публикации

03 x 03 Securing the Future: ISO 27001 and the Path to Data Protection

03 x 02 Analysing the current AI-Driven Labor Market

03 x 01 Rethinking labor market metrics

Apa tugas seorang kurator ontologi?

Os retos da tradución de gráficos de coñecemento multilingües

JANZZ.technology Uncovers: Die Tücken falscher Daten in Taxonomien, LMIs, Prognosen und HR-Analysen

Koks yra ontologijos kuratoriaus vaidmuo?

JANZZ.technology mengungkap: Jebakan Data yang Keliru dalam Taksonomi, Analisis SDM, dll.

JANZZ.technology descubre: Las trampas que plantean los datos incorrectos en taxonomías, IML, etc.

JANZZ.technology «Uncovers»: Was ist ein Skill?

JANZZ.technology khám phá: Kỹ năng là gì?

JANZZ.technology Uncovers: The Pitfalls of Incorrect Data in Taxonomies, LMIs, and HR Analyses

JANZZ.technology descubre: ¿Qué es una competencia?

JANZZ.technology mengungkap: Apa itu keterampilan?

JANZZ.technology Uncovers: What's a skill?

02 x 03 Why not purely machine-generated? It’s just common sense…

02 x 02 More on matchmaking

02 x 01 It’s a MATCH!

01 x 07 Analyzing skills data

01 x 06 Smart data – Unlocking the value of your data assets

01 x 05 Education Zones – Bridging the gap between candidate education and employer requirements

01 x 04 How to generate meaningful skills and job data