Все публикации

Do You Speak EURES? Ep 7: Digitalisation

Find job opportunities across Europe with European (Online) Job Days | EUREStv S3E3

EURES Youth video competition | The winners

Who Seeks Finds - Episode 2 | Celebrating 30 Years of EURES

Launch of the EURES story exhibition: 30 years of supporting fair work anywhere in Europe

Who seeks finds - Episode 1 | Celebrating 30 years of EURES

EURES is the go-to resource for employment and work mobility services in Europe

EURES Report on labour shortages and surpluses 2023

Do you speak EURES? Ep 6: Fair labour mobility

Do you speak EURES? Ep 5: Cultural diversity

Do you speak EURES? Ep 4: Labour shortages

‘The freedom to build a life on your own terms…’ Commission President addresses EURES event

Do You Speak EURES? Ep 3: Cultural diversity

Lack of workers in Europe: what can EURES do? | EUREStv S3E2

EUREStv S3:E2 Teaser: Labour Shortages and Surpluses

Do you speak EURES? Ep 2: Green economy

Do you speak EURES? Ep 1: Healthcare

Teaser | EURES Studio presents: 30 Years of EURES Documentary

30 years of EURES | EUREStv S3E1

Launch event on EURES Report on labour shortages and surpluses 2023

EUREStv S3E1 Teaser: 30 Years of EURES

EURES Youth Video Competition 2024

EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme

EURES cross-border partnerships