Все публикации

15 August 2023

CE ,UNIT4- Multiloop analysis

EDC,UNIT 1 - Heating and cooling method

EDC,UNIT 2: Mechanical speed torque characteristics of DC shunt motor

EDC,UNIT 4 - Electric Breaking of DC shunt motor

EDC,UNIT 2 - Classes of Motor duty cycle.

EDC,UNIT 2 -Mechanical Rotational problem

EDC,UNIT 4- Breaking characteristics of three phase Induction motor

CE,UNIT 4- Write the differencial equation Governing the mechanical systems problem.

CE, UNIT 3 -Mechanical Translation systems

EDC,UNIT 3 - Types of Starters.

CE,UNIT 2 - Block diagram reduction rules.

EDC,UNIT 4 - Methods of starting of three phase Induction motor

CE,UNIT -1 , Block diagram reduction problem.

EDC,UNIT 3- Star - Delta starter.

EDC,UNIT -2 , Rotor resistance starter.

CE,UNIT 1- Linear and Non Linear system.

HVDC,UNIT-4, Importance of frequency control

HVDC,UNIT -5 , Unit commitment problem.

CE,UNIT 2-Time response analysis.

CE ,UNIT:1- Signal flow graph problem.

HVDC, UNIT: 5 Lamda iteration method.

CE ,UNIT 1 : Design example of Accelerometer mounted on a jet-engine test sled.

CE,UNIT 1 : Design example of control engineering.