Все публикации

#A field has no proper ideal. OR Every field is simple field. || Algebra || || Ring Theory ||

#Every finite integral domain is field.|| Ring Theory || || Algebra ||

#Every bounded real sequence has a convergent subsequence.|| Balzano Weirestrass Theorem ||

#Every close and bounded subset of R is compact. || Heine Borel Theorem || || Real Analysis ||

#Examples ||Roll's Theorem|| ||Real Analysis|| Tariq Mujtaba Lurka

#Example of Generalized Mean Value Theorem ||Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem|| ||Real Analysis||

Generalized Mean Value Theorem OR Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem in Real Analysis

#State and Proof Roll's Theorem. ||Differentiation|| ||Real Analysis||

#Bernoulli's Inequality in Real Analysis |Series and Sequence|| #Tariq Mujtaba Lurka

#Theorem Differentiability Implies Continuity||Real Analysis-l|| ||Differentiation||

#Integration Chapter#.3 2nd Year Mathematics ||Exercise 3.2 Example#12||

#Integration Chapter.#3 Mathematics 2nd year ||Integration Formulas|| Tariq Mujtaba Lurka

#2nd year Math #Chapter.2 ||Exercise 2.5|| ||Question.No 6,7|| Tariq Mujtaba Lurka

#2nd year Math #Ch.2 ||Exercise 2.5|| ||Question.No 4 (i), (ii)|| Tariq Mujtaba Lurka

#2nd year Math ||Exe.2.5 Question.3 (i),(ii)|| ||Tariq Mujtaba Lurka||

#2nd year Math #Chapter.No.2. #Exercise-2.5 ||Example.No.1|| ||Example.No.2|| (Page-78)

#2nd year Math #Exercise#2.4 #Question.No.5-(I),(ii),(iii)

#2nd year Math #Chapter-2 #Exercise.No.2.4 (iv),(v)#Tariq_Mujtaba_Lurka#

#2nd year Math #Ch.2-Differentiation #Exercise#2.4 #Question#4.

#2nd year Math #Ch.2-Diifferentiation ##Exercise.2.4 #Question-3 (i),(ii)

#2nd year Math #Chapter.2- #Exercise-2.4 Questions.01-(i) #Find dy/dx by substitutions method.

#2nd year Math #Ch-2 #Exercise-2.4 Questions-01 (ii)#Find dy/dx by substitutions method.

#2nd year Math #Chapter.No2.#Product Rule Proofdy/dx=f(x).g'(x)+g(x).f'(x).

#Every Subgroup of cyclic group is cyclic.#Cyclic Group#Taria Mujtaba Lurka