Все публикации

Helmholtz Munich Highlights 2024

Helmholtz Munich Highlights 2024

Research Meets Society – A Fascinating Look into Knowledge Transfer at Helmholtz Munich

Forschung trifft Gesellschaft - faszinierender Einblick in den Wissenstransfer von Helmholtz Munich

AI at Helmholtz Munich: wildDISCO by Prof. Ali Ertürk

Helmholtz Pioneer Campus - the next chapter

EpiCrossBorders: International Helmholtz-Edinburgh Research School for Epigenetics

Helmholtz Munich 2023 - A Successful Year for Research

Helmholtz München 2023 - Entdecke unsere Highlights!

Helmholtz Munich Molecular Targets and Therapeutics Center

m4 Award 23 for Prof. Ulrike Protzer & team TherVacB for therapeutic vaccination against hepatitis B

m4 Award 2023 for Dr. Kamyar Hadian & Team TUBiRA on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Bewegung im Alltag: Warum jede Bewegung zählt

Was ist eigentlich Design Thinking?

Schlafen wie die Profis

Können Handy und Computer süchtig machen?

10 Tipps für gesundes und leckeres Essen

Why Are High Quality Data Sets The Basis of AI-Research?

How Is His Lab Using AI to Get a Prticular Diagnosis for a Patient?

How Algorithms are Trained to Identify Subtypes of Leukemia

How does AI Accelerate The Classification of Blood Cells?

Immunology: Understanding Widespread Diseases with Monoclonal Antibodies

Was ist ein Mikrobiom?

Kochs Postulate