Все публикации

Introduction to Deriscope - Part1: Why Deriscope

Rigopoulos' BTRM lecture on yield curves in February 2022

How to use Deriscope to price a Stock Option

Excel Real Time Prices of all S&P 500 Stocks

Store Incoming Real Time Data in Text File

Excel Real Time Buffered Data

Excel Historical Data

Excel Real Time Data

Excel Real Time Forex Rates (older version)

Excel Real Time Stock Prices (older version)

Accessing live feeds in Excel from Yahoo Finance in 2018 (older version)

How to best use the free version of Alpha Vantage in Excel (older version)

Real Time data in Excel with retention of the received feeds (older version)

Real Time forex rates in Excel from TrueFX (older version)

Bond Curve Fitting in Excel using the QuantLib Nelson-Siegel and Svensson methods

Real Time Trading Simulator using live fx rates from TrueFX

Real Time Trading Simulator using live stock prices from IEX v2

Real Time Trading Simulator using live stock prices from IEX

Real Time Data in Excel on US Stocks traded in IEX (older version)

Real Time Top Order Book on stock prices in Excel from IEX (older version)

Real Time US stock prices in Excel from IEX (older version)

Excel Array Formulas: How to change their range

It is still possible to get historical data from Yahoo Finance to Excel (older version)

Historical Stock Prices and Real Time Series in Excel by Alpha Vantage (older version)