Все публикации

Figuring out the total time derivative (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Tau xx — shear perpendicular to a surface ? (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Expressing the net effect of shear (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Computing shear force on a flat plate (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Calculating the viscosity in a cylindrical viscometer (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Tackling the divergent of shear (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Viscosity for engineers (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Computing the force due to pressure on a straight tank wall (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Calculating the pressure at the bottom of a lake (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

What is so special about buoyancy? (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

How many dimensions does it take to describe the effect of pressure? (Fluid Dynamics w/ O. Cleynen)

Two weird things about pressure in fluid dynamics (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Calculating the position of a pressure force (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Debriefing the first homework assignment (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

How to grade your peers in the homework program (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Calculating the net force on fluid flowing through a pipe bend

Computing the net force on a fluid with non-uniform velocity distribution

Calculating the net force in a boundary layer control volume (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Making sense of the 3D linear momentum balance equation (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Making sense of the angular momentum balance equation (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Computing force and power on a turbine blade (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Calculating the inlet height in a boundary layer control volume (Fluid Dynamics w/ Olivier Cleynen)

How to maximize your grade in the homework program (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)

Dangers associated with the mass balance equation (Fluid Dynamics with Olivier Cleynen)