Все публикации

Bij Bolszewika!/Punch The Communist! Polish Anti Soviet Song

'Two brothers was going there' Kuban Cossack Song/ 'Там шли два брата'

Time to go home-Sektor Gaza / Пора домой-Сектор Газа

Ukranian National Anthem Instrumental

'Phantom' Russian War Song

Spanish Civil War Song '¡Ay Carmela!'

Chechen War Song ''Just don't tell mom I'm in Chechnya''

Chechen War Song ''Kiss the rails girls I am going home'' (Целуйте бабы рельсы, я еду домой)

''Verdun! On ne passe pas'' (Verdun! You Shall Not Pass!)

East German National Anthem ''Auferstanden aus Ruinen'' Instrumental

Funiculi, Funicula (The Game Pizza Theme) with Italian lyrics

American Civil War Song ''Marching Through Georgia'' (1864)

British National Anthem ''God Save the Queen''

We Shall Follow the Straight Road of the Revolution