Все публикации

The Best Finals Performance Of My Cubing Career

4x4 PB Average Fail (Polish Championship 2024)

18.06 4x4 Single

37.90 5x5 Single (Moyu Aochuang v6)

FAST 3x3 SOLVES AT EUROS (4.46 & 4.55) #moyuculture #thecubicle #cubinglifeacademy

The Rust Is Real

Cubing Life Academy Promo Video (Upcoming Livestream June 1st)

My Fastest One-Handed Solves! (SUB-7)

Spam TPS & Hope for the Best

41.57 5x5 Average (WR5) (Yau)

4.69 3x3 Single! Tied my old World Record :)

Moyu RS3M v5 Unboxing (Epic Quality!)

My Best In-Comp 6x6 Times! (Yau Method)

Two Sub 9 One-Handed Averages (8.93 & 8.81)

8.65 Rubik's Cube One-Handed World Record Average (2023 CubingUSA Nationals Edition)

NEW Moyu Super RS3M V2 unboxing!

5.49 Official Square-1 Single

4.63 Single w/ Weilong v9!

Losing to Tymon Kolasiński during a thunderstorm

TheCubicle.com Unboxing (Moyu Super RS3M Ball Core & Gan 13 UV Coated)

My fastest solve in 3 years (4.37s)

(Almost) 100 comps

5.57 3x3 Average (WR 6)