Все публикации

Life at AdaCore

Ada and SPARK for Academics Workshop 2024 | GNAT Academic Program

How to run Ada and SPARK code on NVIDIA GPUs and CUDA

High Integrity Technology Update | April 2024

Proving Software Security with SPARK Pro

Memory Safety with Formal Proof Webinar

Webinar | SPARK Pro for Embedded and Systems Programming

Update on the Ada Community and Alire Package Manager (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2023)

Update on AdaCore Technologies for Academia (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2023)

SPARK/Ada for High Integrity Spacecraft Software (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2023)

Real-Time Parallel Programming (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2023)

GAP Capstone Projects (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2023)Description:

Design and Implementation of a Networked, Embedded Oscilloscope (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2023)

Assertive Programming with SPARK (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2023)

adareducer at work

Unity & Ada

Introducing Students to Formal Methods through SPARK (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2022)

Developing a Secure Programming Course (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2022)

Update on the Ada Community and Alire Package Manager (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2022)

SPARK/Ada in Formal Software System Modeling and Design (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2022)

Technical Update on Ada, SPARK, Libadalang, and VS Code (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2022)

The Beauty of Epiphanies in the Learning of Concurrency (AdaCore GAP Workshop June 21, 2022)

GNAT Pro Assurance

Developing FACE™ conformant software in Ada — Tech Days 2021