Все публикации

Why My New Book is a MUST READ for School Leaders

One-On-One with Renowned Educator, Thomas Murray | Principal Kafele #AP&NewPrincipalsAcademy

'What's next for you?' | Principal Kafele #shorts #MidweekFIRE

“The Pressure is REAL…But I Continue to Love What I Do!” | 3 Rochester NY Principals Speak

Coaches can't coach from the 'locker room'...and neither can you! | Principal Kafele #shorts

The 2025 NASSP National Principal of the Year Speaks! | Dr. Tracie Anderson Swilley #WEEK240

But are you getting that cardio work in? | Principal Kafele #shorts #cardio #leadership

Dr. Cynthia 'Mama J' Johnson | 'It's Possible!' | #AP&NewPrincipalsAcademy #WEEK239

You're fed up with your circumstances...so what are you doing about it? | Principal Kafele #Shorts

Leading through Challenging, Difficult & Frustrating Situations | Lawrence Kohn & Kim Huseman

Equity's Biggest Flaw is Quite Problematic! | Principal Kafele #midweekfire #shorts

Dwayne Reed | Appreciating / Respecting the Humanity & Authenticity of Your Teachers #WEEK237

Dr. Muhammad Khalifa | Culturally Responsive School Leadership #AP&NewPrincipalsAcademy #WEEK236

Imagine a School Devoid of a Mission... | Principal Kafele #MidweekFire #Shorts

Dr. Avis Williams | Essentials for Becoming a GREAT Leader! | NOLA Superintendent Speaks #WEEK235

Protecting Your Leadership Authority | Principal Kafele #MidweekFire #shorts

Trauma-informed Leadership | Alva Walker #AP&NewPrincipalsAcademy #WEEK234

The Correlation Between Your Leadership & Math Achievement #AP&NewPrincipalsAcademy #WEEK233

What Teachers Need from the Leadership | Dr. Amanda Austin, 2025 Louisiana Principal of the Year

Principal & AP Leadership Through the Lens of 3 Superintendents #AP&NewPrincipalsAcademy #WEEK231

Difficult, Uncomfortable, Courageous Conversations with Staff & More | Dedicated to Frankie Beverly

Leadership Perspectives of 3 NEW AP's | Yolanda McKinney, Vicki Baxter & Elliott Johnson #WEEK229

4 Women Leaders Speak | Dr. Caryn Cooper, Passion Hasan, Lynn Irby Hill, Tiffany Overton #WEEK228

A 1st year principal & AP reconnect 25 years later | Kevin R. Booker #WEEK227