Все публикации

Staying sane as a software developer

Solving the first Advent of Code problem live on stream

Coding on a Particle Photon Internet Button - Part #1

Rekindling my love of coding by doing fun hacks (Particle Photon Internet Button Part #2)

Professional bad typist

Expressions versus statements? The future of functional programming (with Steve Krouse)

Tensorflow.js for web developers (approachable and inspiring talk by Piérre Reimertz at Nordic.JS)

NordVPN security breach

Test Driven Development (TDD) on a real app

Software developers going to therapy

What do we stand for? (Kind-hearted, Humble, Together)

How to build a great CSS architecture? (with CSS guru Adam Argyle)

How long to onboard a new developer? (Isa Silveira)

Better code sharing through monorepos?

Is Dan Abramov a Junior Developer for Life?

Structuring a Web App with a Continuous Integration Workflow (CI/CD)

Transducers for massive data processing in JavaScript: What, Why and How (Sean May)

Refactoring JavaScript code into tiny, pure, composable functions

Closure exposure therapy - Exploring closures in JavaScript with friendly live mob programming

Trying react-spring (React animation library) for the first time

How good are code challenges in interviews (Isa Silveira)

Dan Abramov on Lao Tzu

Code Review: How can we do it better?

Trying Particle Photon for the first time (Live Mob Programming)