Все публикации

Firing the Soda Kiln at Washington Street Studios

E20 Pottery Shorts Why Does Plaster Set

E19 Pottery Shorts What is a PSD

E18 Pottery Shorts Three Tips for Using a Triple Beam Balance

E17 Pottery Shorts Preparation for Glazing

E16 Pottery Shorts Buying a Used Kiln

PRT Functional Teapot Design

E15 Pottery Shorts Glazes and Disappearing Colors

E14 Pottery Shorts Annoying Glaze Materials

E13 Pottery Shorts: Controlled Drying

Potters Round Table: Firing Schedules

E12 Pottery Shorts: What is a Eutectic?

Pottery Shorts: What Happens to Clay in a Firing?

Pottery Shorts How Does a Glaze Strengthen a Pot? Or Does It?

Tips for Making Professional Looking Pottery

Pottery Shorts Tiny Details in Glazes

Pottery Shorts: How Does an Oxiprobe Work

Making Test Blends for Glazes and Clay Bodies

Pottery Shorts How Does a Thermocouple Work

Pottery Shorts: Making Use of Specific Gravity

Pottery Shorts: Making Shrinkage Test Bars

Potters Round Table: Ash Glazes

Pottery Shorts Adjusting a Kiln Sitter

Pottery Shorts Using Cones in a Kiln Sitter