Все публикации

I Added 126 Pronouns to my Dragon Language!

The Evolution of English in a Single Sentence!

The Secret Meaning Behind this Arabic Texting Slang! #sponsored

Why is “Thomas” Spelled with an H?

What Does “I Fear…” mean in Gen Z Slang?

French Counting Isn’t That Bad…

Why is X Pronounced Like a Z Sometimes?

I Added 7 Genders to my Dragon Language!

English Doesn’t Have a Future Tense!

What’s with this Weird Spelling Convention?

Why do C K and Q All Make a /k/ Sound?

I Evolved my Dragon Language!

Why does Spanish have Two Different Words for “To Be?”

Is it Spelled Hawaii or Hawai’i?

How Old is this Map of the Middle East?

Why do these Languages use Double Negation?

Why Do So Many Languages Use Double Negation?

This is the Most Cursed Word I’ve Ever Seen!

I Made a Dragon Language!

How do you Pronounce this Cursed Word?

The French Verb “Aimer” is Paradoxical!

How Old is This Map of Flags?

Why Can’t English People Pronounce “Kamala?”

Why Turkish Vowels are SO Cool!