Все публикации

David Themens - High latitude ionospheric response to the major May 2024 geomagnetic storm

Michael W. Liemohn - Actions for an Inclusive Space Physics Workplace

Simon Walker - The Ionospheric Leg of the Substorm Current Wedge

Daniel Gershman - External energy inputs to Giant Planet Magnetospheres

Katherine Davidson - Investigating the Dependence of Thermosphere Winds on Geomagnetic Conditions

Murong Qin - Energetic electron precipitation characteristics at Low Earth Orbit observed by ELFIN

Matthew Brown - Climate change in the thermosphere and its impact on the space debris environment

Sean Elvidge - Inconvenient and Extreme Space Weather: Impacts on the Upper Atmosphere

Dan Billett - Exploring the thermospheric response to high-latitude magnetosphere-ionosphere driving

Daniel Baker - Solar-Terrestrial Data Science: Prior Experience and Future Prospects

Harlan Spence - HelioSwarm

Jia Jia - Impact of Energetic Particles on Earth's Neutral Atmosphere Composition

Ian Mann - RADICALS: The RADiation Impacts on Climate and Atmospheric Loss Satellite

Jesper Gjerloev - The NASA EZIE Mission: What is it and why is it exciting

Robyn Milan - CINEMA: A NASA Small Explorer Mission Concept

Aaron Ridley - MAAX

Harry Arnold - PIC simulations of overstretched ion scale current sheets in the magnetotail

Oleksiy Agapitov - Chorus and Hiss Spatial Scales in the Inner Magnetosphere

Sam Walton - Characterizing Electron Fluxes Below the Inner Radiation Belt

Cole Dorman, Development of Self-Calibrating Magnetoinductive Sensors for Spaceflight Constellations

John Dorelli - Heliophysics Applications of Physics Informed Machine Learning

Adam Michael - Cross-Scale Modeling of Storm-Time Radiation Belt Variability

Matthew Finley - Local Interference Mitigation on Spaceflight Magnetometer Platforms

Michael Coughlan - Ground Magnetic Perturbation Predictions