Все публикации

Marxism After Marx: Donald Harris

Marxism After Marx | Super-Exploitation

The Marxist Lens: Burnout and the Algorithm

Fundamentals of Marx: The Monetary Expression of Labor Time

Economic Planning for the Future: An Interview with CibCom

Underdevelopment by Design: The Metrics of Unequal Exchange

Why Didn't the Soviets Automate Their Economy?: Cybernetics in the USSR

Growing a Planned Economy: The Logic of Early Soviet Development

A Theory of Knowledge | How Marx Broke Up With Hegel

Imperialism Today: Unequal Exchange and Globalized Production

What Words and Their Meanings Tell Us

Marxism After Marx | Gramsci: Language and Politics

A Philosophy of Language

Europe's Transition Out of Feudalism | A Marxist Study of Mercantilism

Clans to Classes: How the Soviets Built Kazakhstan

The Fate of the Commune: Decollectivization in China

What is to be Read? - Episode 1: Fully Automated Luxury Communism

Should Workers Get the Full Value of their Labour? | Marx’s Critique of Value

Marxism After Marx: Richard Wolff

Fundamentals of Marx: Three Circuits of Industrial Capital

Fundamentals of Marx: Theory of Ground Rent

Fundamentals of Marx: A Theory of Transitions

Fundamentals of Marx: Simple and Expanded Reproduction

Fundamentals of Marx: Circulation and Turnover of Capital