Все публикации

Самопрялка, Sheep and Wool, Maryland, 2017

Так прядут ангорского кролика. Sheep and Wool, Maryland, 2017

Ткацкий станок, Sheep and Wool festival, Maryland, 2017

Математические паркеты. Часть 1.

brothers at the pool

the ship was carrying hard candy

the stamping of the hoofs. Russian tongue twister. От топота копыт..

Russian tongue twister. Mom, Mila and the soap. Мила и мыло

Russian tongue twister. Bull has a dull lip. Бык тупогуб.

Russian tongue twister. Chukchi in the tent. Чукча в чуме.

Russian tongue twister.The rake and the broom. Грабли- грести..

Russian tongue twister. The cuckoo and the cuckoo baby. Кукушка.

Russian tongue twister. Quails have five babies. У перепела и перепелки..

Russian tongue twister. Three brothers are walking. Идут три брата...

Tongue twister. Archip lost his voice. Архип осип. Осип охрип.

Russian tongue twister. Buy a lot of down. Купи кипу пуха

Tongue twister. Counting wood, Раз дрова, два дрова, три дрова.

Sasha was walking along a highway.. Russian tongue twister.

scary Russian cursive...

Russian tongue twister. The grass, the yard, the firewood.

Russian tongue twister. Heron had been sick...

scratch, изучаем кнопки и как мы используем костюмы

движение, событие, управление, градусы, координаты

как включить скратч