Все публикации

Avoid the Gringos & Escape to the Balcony!

Do you REALLY dance bachata?

How to Dance Salsa On Packed Dance Floors

Salsa Timing Changes: How to Get back on Beat With a Partner

Why Are You On That Time? (salsa timing conventions)

Dancing Salsa On4 (salsa history)

Why Some People Dance Salsa On3

Dancing Salsa on Clave (one interpretation)

Dancing to Clave in Puerto Rico (salsa history)

Syncopated On2 Timing for Salsa Dancing

Salsa Dancing On2 A Tiempo (Eddie Torres timing)

Salsa Podcast Pt. 1: Finding the Beat, What to Focus On & Learning Factors

How to Dance Cha-Cha-Cha Timing

Salsa Dancing On 2 Contratiempo Timing

Salsa Timing: A Tiempo Vs. Contratiempo

Use Cause & Effect to Make Salsa Easy

Stop over-leading, do this instead

Lead and Follow Roles in Salsa

Musical Vocabulary for Dancers

Inside vs. Outside Turns (for Salsa & Bachata)

Why Timing Is Important For Dancers

Salsa Dancing On 1 Timing

How Many Salsa Timings Exist? (MORE than you think!)

Torso Isolations for Sensual Bachata