Все публикации

The secret of Stonehenge

2022-04-26: Further adventures in computational history

2022-03-29: Paper writing; A universal LaTeX template; Ousiometrics of traits and characters

2022-03-17: Ousiograms. Uncovering the axes of Powerful-Weak and Dangerous-Safe.

2022-01-25: Shifting of the words—How to understand changes in lexical instrument measurements.

2021-12-02: How wise is the crowd? Social contagion on networks. Stories.

2021-11-30: Social contagion. Imitation: Everyone's doing it.

2021-11-09: Where to put things. The scaling of the supply most fair, and the supply to the most

2021-10-26: Robustness of complex systems with optional narratively causal catastrophic failure

2021-10-21: More ponderings on emergence, and the unknown limits to what we can understand

2021-10-12: Randomness versus Optimization, Simon versus Mandelbrot, There Can Be Only One Theory

2021-09-30: Random walks abound, the path of unexpected transfiguration, some manifestoing

2021-09-21: Lexical turbulence and allotaxonometry. Totally, totally real things.

2021-09-16: Zzzzzzzzzipfffff distributions. Rank all the things. (COVID-19 is a conspiracy.)

2021-09-14: Pigeons are smarter than humans. Also, the Statistics of Surprise.

Barefoot run example.

Optimal Supply Networks, Part 3: How to get stuff from everywhere to everyone

Branching networks, Part 2: Unifying branching network laws, but missing mechanisms

Supply networks: To branch, or not to branch, that is the question of neworkfulness.

Branching Networks, Part 1: Introduction to natural branching networks

The structure of generalized random networks

The robust-yet-fragileness of real complex systems

Fundamentals: Emergence, measurement, the limits of science, methods, and statistical mechanics

Mandelbrot's dream of efficient language