Все публикации

What Does It Mean To Be Sitting First Chair At A Trial?

A Phrase You Should Know If You Are Representing Yourself

The Mental Requirements To Get Married

Being Unable To Collect On A Financial Judgement Against Another Person

Wearing A GoPro When Dropping Off A Child For Visitation

Is A Polygraph Test Admissible In Court?

What Does 'Four Corners Of A Contract' Mean?

Taking A Furlough From Jail

Who Pays For Your Personal Injury Case?

Returning To A Location You Have Been Barred From Due To Theft Or Other Crime

What Is Discovery?

Common Law Marriage In Tennessee

Having Someone With You When You Meet With Or Talk With Your Attorney

Common Misconceptions When You Are Arrested Or Being Questioned By The Police

What Is A Motion For Summary Judgement?

What Is A Primary Residential Parent?

One Thing You Have To Do In Tennessee If You Divorce And Have Children Under The Age Of 18

Appealing A Small Claims Court Decision

Filing Your Taxes Separately While Married

What Are 'Prayers' In A Legal Document?

Is Law Enforcement Allowed To Lie To You In Interviews?

The Difference Between A Document That Is Filed With The Court And A Document That Is A Court Order

Do You Automatically Win Your Divorce Case If Your Spouse Commits Adultery?

The Secret Work Lawyers Do