Все публикации

Visual Studio Code: NUnit 4 tutorial

API testing with Python

Create a simple API in Python

Selenium Python Data Driven Testing

Selenium Python Parallel Testing

Selenium Python Html Reports

Selenium Python Cross Browser Testing

Selenium Python Page Object Model - POM Python

Selenium Python test fixture

Selenium Python Locators

Export Selenium IDE tests to Python and Pytest. Run Selenium tests from terminal

Selenium IDE update locators

Install Python dependencies from requirements.txt

Selenium Pytest marker

Visual Studio Code: Selenium 4 Python tutorial

Dependency Injection Selenium C#: Autofac Dependency Injection

Visual Studio Code: Selenium 4 C# tutorial

Run Selenium tests in parallel & Extent Reports parallel execution

Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023 - AI survey results 2023

Selenium Cucumber framework: Java BDD framework [Java automation]

Parallel Test Execution using JUnit and Selenium [Java automation]

Migrate Selenium Maven project to Gradle [Java automation]

Run Selenium Java tests from command line & IntelliJ IDEA [Java automation]

Selenium Java Tutorial: create a Selenium project [Java automation]