Все публикации

Stan Twitter: Courtreezy disappearing

Stan Twitter: Courtreezy getting jumpscared while playing FNAF Security breach

Stan Twitter: What if…Scarlet Witch saw Dua Lipa in the multiverse of madness

Stan Twitter Courtreezy: LOCK HIM UP

Stan Twitter: Beyoncé snatching somebody’s wig during her performance

Stan Twitter Courtreezy: AIRPODS?!?

Stan Twitter: Rebel Wilson showing off her lawyer skills

Stan Twitter Courtreezy: I’m not understanding

Stan Twitter: Beyoncé unleashing her powers to take Sia back to her Beysement

Stan Twitter: Courtreezy being shocked

Stan Twitter: girl walking in high heels to 911 by Lady Gaga

Stan Twitter: my AirPods when they about to die

Stan Twitter: “I can not believe my eyes”

Stan Twitter: addison rea making weird face after saying “i love you guys so so much”

Stan Twitter: Ariana Grande saying “Oh Oh Oh look at my hair”

IVY PARK is COMMING besties✨

Stan Twitter: me running to my school before the bell rings

Stan Twitter: boy pole dancing in metro while pussycat dolls playing in the background

Stan Twitter: Girls laughing and staring during RuPaul sound effect

Stan Twitter: nene leakes laughing as she says “that is funny”

Stan Twitter: girl saying “Attention”

Stan Twitter: Megan the Stallion staring in the Grammys

Stan Twitter: oh my god it’s not funny