Все публикации

Lec24 Introduction to Syntax Directed Translation (SDT)| SDD | Types of SDT

Lec25 Synthesized Attribute | S Attributed Definition | Creating Decorated Parse Tree

Lec26 Inherited Attributes | L Attributed Definitions | Sytax Directed Translation

Lec22 SLR Parsing | Creating Parsing Table | Parsing Input String | Bottom Up Parsing

Lec21 SLR Parsing | Finding Closure & Goto | Bottom Up Parsing

Lec30 Introduction to Run Time Memory Management

Lec29 Differentiate Quadruple, Triples and Indirect Triples

Lec28 Three Address Code Implementation | Quadruple | Triples | Indirect Triples

Lec27 Intermediate Code Generation and Its Types

Lec12 Document Stores | Collections | Types of NoSQL Databases

Lec11 Column Family Stores | BigTables Stores | Types of NoSQL Databases

Lec10 Graph Sotres | Types of NoSQL Databases

Lec9 Key Value stores | Types of NoSQL Databases | NoSQL Data Architectural Pattern

Lec20 Operator Precedence Parser | Bottom Up Parsers | Compiler Design

Lec19 Bottom Up Parsers | Shift Reduce Parser | Compiler Design

Lec8 Introduction to NoSQL Databases | NoSQL Business Drivers | NoSQL Case Studies

Lec7 Hadoop in the Cloud | Advantages & Disadvantages | Bench-marking Hadoop Cluster

Lec6 Administrating Hadoop | Monitoring | Maintenance | Big Data Analytics

Lec5 Security in Hadoop | Kerberos Ticket Exchange Protocol | Delegation Tokens | BDA

Lec18 Generating Parse Tree using LL(1) Parsing Table | Top Down Parsing

Lec17 Creating LL(1) Parsing Table | Checking if Grammar is LL(1) | Top Down Parsing

Lec4 Hadoop Cluster Specification | Network Topology | Installing Hadoop | Configuring SSH

Lec3 Setting Up A Hadoop Cluster | Cluster Specification | Cluster Sizing | Big Data Analytic

Lec2 Map Reduce Features | Joins | Side Data Distribution | Big Data Analytics