Все публикации

How will the TRUMP presidency affect Immigration in the United States

Jamaican parents don’t show empathy

90s dancehall music videos be like

When you realize your turning into your parents

Dale Elliott Jr | Live from London (Full Comedy Special)

You don’t have as much friends as you think you do! Out now om channel

Get tickets for my no hard feelings tour at daleelliottjr.com

When Jamaican parents borrow your money

I am from Jamaica

When you find food and eat it without permission

Jamaican parents when their kids join the military

Why people abroad believe all Caribbean people know each other

Immigrants pretending to understand American football every sunday #nfl #football #cowboys

Caribbean parents will tell your business to the streets

The food in the US make you wonder whats in it #comedy

Junkies in Baltimore are different

The gift of traveling

Jamaicans Don’t like when another Jamaican speak american english

The One Test a Jamaican Would NEVER Fail

When you threathen your parents to leave

New episode out now!

Coming this fall to a city near you #comedy

Parents will send you to find anything #comedy #submarine #titanic

When you want fast food