Все публикации

Process and Neoplatonic Theologies: Panentheism, Theodicy, and Ecology

Life after Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart

I Sing the Body Electric: A Process Relational Critique of Compartmentalized Medicine

Becoming an Ecological Civilization: Visions to Generate Transformation

Celebrating John Cobb's 99th/100th Birthday

Intuiting Life: Process-Philosophical Perspectives On Biology: Session 3

Intuiting Life: Process-Philosophical Perspectives On Biology: Session 2

Intuiting Life: Process-Philosophical Perspectives On Biology: Session 1

Celebrating Pomona with Ethel Gardner

Maintaining Moral Balance in Israel/Palestine

Intuiting Life: Process-Philosophical Perspectives on Biology

Celebrating Pomona with Jan Chase

Celebrating Pomona: Introduction

Celebrating Pomona with Dr. Laura Burgis

Ali Hussain – Mashing Sufism and Whitehead’s Process Theology

Mathematics, Narratives, & Life: Reconciling Science and the Humanities

John Cobb’s 98th Birthday Celebration

Big Bang? Multiple Universes? How Do Scientists Know?

A Tribute to Rosemary Radford Reuther

Matt Segall – Process Insights for Contemporary Political Issues

Extended Sight & Process Philosophy | Àlex Gómez-Marín & Matt Segall

Brendan Graham Dempsey – Metamodern Spirituality & Process Theology

Ideas in Process: Ten Whiteheadian Transitions

Celebration of John Cobb's 97th Birthday