Все публикации

C program command line args: argc and argv

arduino data

Characterizing an LED I-V curve: Collecting Data

The voltage divider

EasyEDA: An alternative Schematic Capture and Simulation option.

Simple Bubble Sort in 'C' language

Standard Deviation of the Mean: Standard Error

Design a simple AC/DC converter + power supply.

Google Auth with React Plus Firebase

Firebase onSnapshot 'observer pattern' for database updates.

Convolution Explainer (Animation)

Acceptance Testing and Test Driven Development with Cucumber

Visualization of OpAmp model

Typescript, Array reduce examples

A simple Op-amp model with a voltage controlled voltage source.

What to do about loading?

Using a simple Timer Chip

Current, Capacitor, and a Dependent Source

Prototype a comparator circuit

Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits

The Superposition Principle

Mesh Analysis

Nodal Analysis

Voltage and Current Division