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I wish this website existed when I was learning to code!

This is JS developers heaven!

Learn everything about web animation for free!

Every Developer should know about this website!

websites every developer needs to know: Moving gradient

You can find the Frontend cheat sheets here

Websites to make developers' life easier: CSS Loader #foryou

Stop using boring loaders and start using these free cool ones! #shorts #css #html

why do programmers print 'Hello world' when they are first learning a new langauge?

Websties every developer needs: CSS Scan

Best free course for web developers from Microsft

3 VS code extensions every developer needs #shorts

3 games to master CSS part 1 #shorts

View your code result directly in your phone! #shorts

Master CSS with games: CSS grid garden #shorts

Did you know you can use Caret in CSS to save so much time?! #shorts

Chrome extension you should be using: CSS peeper! #shorts #chromeextensions #css #webdevelopment

Animated icons make your design much more interactive!

3 GitHub repos every python developer should know about! #shorts

This is the best website for front-end developers!! #shorts #coding #frontenddevelopment

websites every developer should know about: GPRM #shorts

3 websites for level up your CSS skill! #shorts

VS Code Extensions you should know: Console ninja #shorts

Websites to level up your CSS game: Play CSS app #shorts