Все публикации

virtual environment in python

install python on windows

Exact differential equations

Top 7 websites for Datasets for Data Science #datascience #python

Line Integral - Vector Integration

Essential tools for Data Science #datascience #python #shorts #short

Approximation of errors

Top 7 essential skills for Data Science #shorts #short #python #datascience

Extrema of function of several variables - Maxima and Minima

Python libraries for Data Science #shorts #short #python #datascience

Python Django Mysql - CRUD Example Part 1 - Create and Insert in Mysql Database

View SQLite Database and data in Android Studio

CRUD - SQLITE and Android - Create and Insert

Notification in android app

Install latest Mysql - Mysql Community server 8.0.30

Adding Icon and title of a webpage in django website

Installing and Using Anydesk for Remote access

Creating Splash Screen in Android app

Create android virtual device in android studio

Deploy android studio app on mobile phone

Adding image in python django web app

how to create Python Django website in Pycharm

Installing Pycharm latest version 2022.1.4

python django installation - latest version 4.0.6