Все публикации

25 Mohr's Circle (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

24 Transformation of Stress (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

23 Longitudinal Shear Stress (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

22 Vertical Shear Stress (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

21 Beam Design under Bending | Introduction to Shear (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

20 Shear and Moment Diagrams (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

19 General Eccentric Axial Loading (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

18 Eccentric Axial Loading (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

17 Bending in Composite Cross Section (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

16 Bending Examples (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

15 Bending (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

14 Centroid and Moment of Inertia Review (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

13 Angle of Twist | Statically Indeterminate Shaft (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

12 Failure under Torsion (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

11 Torsion (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

10 MultiAxial Loading | Shear Strain (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

9 Temperature | Poisson's Ratio (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

8 Statically Indeterminate Problems (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

7 Deformation Under Axial Loading (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

6 Stress-Strain Diagram | Hooks Law (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

5 Factor of Safety (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

4 Stress on Oblique Plane | Stresses in 3D (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)

3 Normal and Shear Stresses | Examples (Mechanics of Materials Lectures) :

2 Normal and Shear Stresses (Mechanics of Materials Lectures)