Все публикации

Example of Interpolation

Example for Lagrange Interpolation

Error in Lagrange Interpolation and its Disadvantige

Some Remarks on Interpolations

Note on Interpolations

Partition of Bimatriced

Biinverse of Bimatrix

Subbimatrix and Bideterminant

Some Types of Bimatrices

Transpose of Bimatrices

Multiplication of Two Bimatrices

Rational Function Approximation

Operations on Bimatrices

Linear Transformations

Chebychev Polynomials

Least Square Approximation by Legendre Polynomial

Row Space, Column Space and Null Space

Basis of Vector Space

Neville Method for Approximation

Estimate error for Lagrange Polynomail

Singular Value Decomposition

Lagrange Polynomial for Approximation