Все публикации

3. Financial Goals Part 2 | Biblical Economics

2. Financial Goals Part 1 | Biblical Economics

1. Stewardship | Biblical Economics

Intro to Biblical Economics 1

How to identify Duplicate Rows in Excel

How to identify Duplicate Cells in Excel

Simple Candlestick Charts - Google Sheets

Simple Bubble Charts - Google Sheets

Radar Chart in Google Sheets

Summary Statistics in Excel

Visualising Distribution in R | One Variable | Density Plot | Dot Plot | Box Plot

Histogram in R (One Variable)

Importing Excel Data into R

Installing R for Windows

Rostow's Stages of Economic Growth | Tamil

Bullet Chart in Excel | variation of thermometer chart | progress bar chart

Treemap Chart in Excel

Gauge Chart in Excel | Speedometer Chart | Dial Chart

Line Chart in Excel | Trend line

Histogram in Excel (Version 2016 or higher)

Histogram in Excel

Doughnut Chart in Excel

Simple Pie Chart in Excel

Pictograph in Excel