Все публикации

Transform Your Backswing with This Tip

Centring your backswing turn

Secret to pressure shifting

Secrets for retaining lag

Golf swing release hands

Perfectly centred pivot

Knee movement checks

Really Simple Backswing

Left arm stuck on chest

Stop getting right arm stuck

Right elbow tucked in golf swing

Proper golf swing sequence

Effortless swing feel

Upper body position at address for golfers golf swing

Right foot pressure in the golf swing

Right wrist bend in the golf swing should be similar to right wrist bend when throwing. #shorts

Don’t exaggerate driver set up. #short

Find balance and centredness through your feet with this drill #shorts

Fixing a flat shoulder turn

Overturning or underturning when you’re playing pitch shots. #shorts

Shifting pressure through transition isn’t a pushing movement #shorts

Don’t keep your knees still during your swing.

Keep both arms soft throughout your swing #shorts

Right shoulder movement in your golf swing