Все публикации

Parahydrogen-enhanced benchtop NMR spectroscopy | Dr. Meghan Halse | Session 87

Gradient pulses on moving spins | Dr. Jean Nicolas Dumez | Session 86

Long-loved nuclear singlet spin order and its applications | Prof. Giuseppe Pileio | Session 84

Hyperpolarized Xe NMR in Molecular Cavities Study and MR Imaging | Prof. Leif Schröder | Session 83

NMR Metabolomics in Drug Discovery and Disease Diagnosis | Prof. Robert Powers | Session 82

Advances in the computation of NMR interactions in materials | Dr. Sean T. Holmes | Session 81

Characterization of polymeric materials in bioapplications | Prof. Ann-Christin Pöppler | Session 79

Single Chip Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Microsystems | Dr. Nergiz Sahin Solmaz | Session 78

NMR Strategies for Examining Interactions with Nanoparticles | Prof. Leah B. Casabianca | Session 77

High-Dimensional Spectroscopy to Tackle Complexity in Bio-NMR | Prof. Jan Stanek | Session 75

Scaling Analyses of Hyperpolarization Transfer in Solids | Prof. Bradley F. Chmelka | Session 74

Explorations in NMR Relaxation | Prof. Alexej Jerschow | Session 72

NMR Pulse Sequence Basics and Design Principles for Biomolecules | Prof. Tairan Yuwen | Session 71

Dihedral Angle Measurements by Solid-State NMR | Prof. Patrick van der Wel | Session 70

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Using Spin Defects in Diamond | Prof. Dominik Bucher | Session 69

Measuring Dynamics Using Anisotropic Interactions in MAS-NMR | Dr. Kaustubh Mote | Session 68

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Understanding Pure Shift NMR Spectroscopy | Dr. Laura Castañar Acedo | Session 67

Triplet Dynamic Nuclear Polarization | Prof. Nobuhiro Yanai | Session 66

NMR Chemical Shifts Beyond Numbers | Prof. Christophe Copéret | Session 65

NMR Crystallography: Integrative Foundations and Applications | Prof. Leonard Mueller | Session 64

The Basics of Ultra-Wideline Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy | Prof. Robert Schurko | Session 63

Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI | Prof. Elena Vinogradov | Session 62

Solid-State NMR for Investigating Crystallization from Solution | Dr. Giulia Mollica | Session 61