Все публикации

A Fun Geometry Problem #1 -- A Sum of Infinitely Many Triangles in a Square

A Wonderful Differential Equations Problem - A Falling Chain on a Frictionless Table

Proving the Law of Cosines Two Ways: Pythagorean Theorem and Vectors

Nice Abstract Algebra Problem #2 -- Boolean Rings and Commutativity

A Wonderful Differential Equations Problem - Torricelli's Law Applied to a Cone

Nice Abstract Algebra Problem #1 -- Kernels, Abelian Groups, and Proving Normality

Kernels and Inverse Images: An Important Result

How a Group Homomorphism Maps Identities and Inverses

The Chain Rule: A Colorful Introduction

Area of a Surface of Revolution

Arc Length of a Function

Volumes of Solids via Cross-Sectional Areas

Volumes of Solids of Revolution: An Introduction

Finding Areas Between Curves

Product Rule, Quotient Rule, and Trig Derivatives, with Proofs!

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part II

Some Derivative Rules and Properties

An Introduction to Derivatives

Proving the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus with Smooth Jazz

The Squeeze Theorem

Approximating and Computing Area Under Curves

Continuity and Evaluating Limits Algebraically

Limits Graphically and Numerically

An Introduction to Continuity