Все публикации

Plotting the family 'y = exp(x) - d' - Scientific Computing #shorts

Plotting the family 'y = exp(x) + d' - Scientific Computing #shorts

Plotting the family 'y = exp(b * x)' with a negative 'b' value - Scientific Computing #shorts

Plotting the family 'y = exp(b * x)' with a positive 'b' value - Scientific Computing #shorts

Plotting the family 'y = exp(x + c)' - Scientific Computing #shorts

Plotting the family 'y = exp(x - c)' - Scientific Computing #shorts

How to use 'box' and 'color' in axis properties? #scientific_computing

Plotting the family 'y = a * exp(x)' with a negative 'a' value - Scientific Computing #shorts

Plotting the family 'y = a * exp(x)' with a positive 'a' value - Scientific Computing #shorts

How to use 'resize' and 'visible' properties in graphics window? #scientific_computing

Plotting 'y = exp(x)' and 'y = expm1(x)' - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

Plotting the exponential function 'y = exp(x)' - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

Amazing polar curve with random coefficients: IX - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

Amazing polar curve with random coefficients: VIII - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

How to use 'menubar', 'numbertitle', and 'name' properties in graphics window? #scientific_computing

Amazing polar curve with random coefficients: VII - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

Amazing polar curve with random coefficients: VI - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

How to put color in the graphics window in Octave? #scientific_computing

Amazing polar curve with random coefficients: V - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

Amazing polar curve with random coefficients: IV - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

Amazing polar curve with random coefficients: III - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

Amazing polar curve with random coefficients: II - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

Amazing polar curve with random coefficients: I - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #shorts

Amazing variable polar curve X - Octave/MATLAB - Scientific Computing #Shorts