Все публикации

Shaper... shorts?!

Bowtie - The Gift You Deserve

Session 118 - Building a Portable Bar Box with Shaper Origin

Are Doilies the Gift You Deserve?

Session 49 – Deutsch | Shaper Zubehör im Fokus

Origin Story | Thomas Engelhard, Pilot und Holz-Enthusiast

Candles - The Gift You Deserve

BitWasher, Ultrasonic Cleaning from Shaper Tools

Session 48 – Deutsch | Origin Software-Update: Larkspur

Origin System-Update: Larkspur - (German/Deutsch)

Software Update: Introducing Larkspur

Mise à jour du système Origin: Larkspur - (French/Français)

Precision without the pressure? That’s where #ShaperOrigin shines 🔥

Double-blind dado joints with Shaper Origin

Session 116- Using Origin for Steam Bending

Session 47 – Deutsch | Marketerien und Intarsien - von der Zeichnung zum Passstück

Session 115 - Project Build: Matt Kenney's Splay Leg Console Table

Fixing up the top of a Bora Centipede folding table with Shaper Origin

Session 114- Project Build - Aspen Golann's Bench Dustpan

#ParkettlegerOnTour 2024!

#ParkettlegerOnTour using Origin to restore Schloss Martinfeld, built in 1611!

Complex dovetails with Shaper Origin! #woodworking #dovetails #joinery

Session 46 – Deutsch | Vollauszug aus Massivholz

Half-blind box joints with Shaper Origin