Все публикации

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Grandfather Paradoxes Class7 Week5

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] What Might Time Travel Be Anyway? Class6 Week5

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Concluding Summary Class14 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Realist Rejoinders: Inference to the Best Exp... Class13 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Scientific Anti-Realism: Constructive Empiricism Class12 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Scientific Realism and the No Miracles Argument Class11 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Truth? Galileo and Copernican Astronomy Class10 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Saving the Phenomena? Ptolemeic Astronomy Class9 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] The Aim of Science: Saving the Phenomena vs. ... Class8 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Minds vs. Machines: Problems for the Computat... Class6 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Minds vs. Machines: The Turing Test and the C... Class5 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Functionalism and Functional Complexity Class4 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Functionalism and What Mental States Do Class3 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Descartes' Substance Dualism Theory of the Mind Class1 Week4

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] The Value of Intellectual Autonomy Class13 Week3

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Kant, the Enlightenment and Intellectual Auto... Class12 Week3

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Reid's Argumente Class11 Week3

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Introduction: Hume on Testimony and Miracles Class9 Week3

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Introduction: Hume on Testimony and Miracles ... Class8 Week3

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Further Discussion II Class9 Week2

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] The Classical Account of Knowledge and the Ge... Class6 Week2

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Do We Have Any Knowledge? Class7 Week2

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] The Basic Constituents of Knowledge Class5 Week2

Introduction to Philosophy [Español] Objections to Objectivism, Relativism and Emo... Class3 Week2