Все публикации

President Ulysses Grant's Indian Policy, and Custer's Defeat at the Battle of Little Bighorn

President Ulysses S Grant, Panic of 1873, White Supremacy Triumphs, Second Term

#cslewis #merechristianity on whether #christianity is hard or easy

President Ulysses S Grant, Defeating the KKK and Fighting for Civil Rights in his First Term

My Favorite Nelson #Mandela #modernstoic #maxims No 2: #southafrica #philosophy #Stoic #epictetus

#cslewis #merechristianity on #love and #lust , #romantic v #carnal love , #intimacy and #marriage

My Favorite Nelson #Mandela #modernstoic #maxims No 1: #southafrica #philosophy #Stoic #epictetus

My Favorite #greek #PreSocratic #philosophy #maxims #heraclitus #ancientphilosoohy

Atlantic Magazine Endorses Kamala Harris: Are Migrants To Blame? When Did Kamala Turn Black?

My Favorite #greek #Stoic #maxims Part 5: #zeno #zenoofcitium #philosophy #ancientphilosophy

Was St Basil WOKE? St Basil the Great On Social Justice, Parable of the Rich Fool

Jimmy Carter On Virtues of Aging and Retirement

#cslewis in #merechristianity and #augustine in #Confessions on nature of #time and #predestinacion

Was St Basil Woke? Basil the Great On Social Justice, Homily To the Rich

My Favorite #greek #Cynic or #Stoic #maxims Part 4: #diogenes #philosophy #ancientphilosophy

#cslewis #merechristianity on #pride and #forgiveness and the #lordsprayer

My Favorite #greek #Cynic or #Stoic #maxims Part 3: #diogenes #philosophy #ancientphilosophy

Did Kamala Win the Debate? Did Trump Win the Debate? Compared to the JFK-Nixon 1960 Debate

My Favorite #greek #Cynic or #Stoic #maxims Part 2: #Antisthenes #philosophy #ancientphilosophy

My Favorite #greek #Cynic or #Stoic #maxims Part 1: #Antisthenes #philosophy #ancientphilosophy

#cslewis and #stjohnchrysostom #merechristianity #love of our neighbor, #charity and #almsgiving

My Favorite #Roman #Stoic #maxims Part 13: #seneca #stoics #philosophy

#cslewis #merechristianity and Two-Fold #loveofgod and #love of our neighbor and #faith v #works

My Favorite #Roman #Stoic #maxims Part 12: #seneca #MarcusAurelius #stoicsm #philosophy