Все публикации

A Simple Consequence of Morera's Theorem and the Hilbert Hardy space.

Completeness of Lp

Triangle Inequality for lp

Open Mapping Theorem

HW 4 Problem 1 Solution

Unitary operators, unitary equivalence, and applications to discrete convolution

Adjoints of Hilbert space Operators

Basics of Bounded Linear Operators and Examples

Sobolev Spaces and Weak Solutions of Differential Equations

HW 2 Problem 4

Orthonormal Bases of Hilbert Spaces Part II: Fourier series, the Bergman space, and RKHS.

Orthonormal Bases of Hilbert Spaces Part I

HW 1 Problems #1 and #4

Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and Orthogonal Projections

Bounded Linear Functionals and the Riesz Representation Theorem

Competions of Normed Vector Spaces Part II

Introduction to AMAT 611