Все публикации

Pronunciation of the Greek OLD Testament (Septuagint Bible LXX) - Hellenistic Lucian Pronunciation

Reciting Homer's Iliad from Memory: The #KephalosChallenge ⚔️

Gladiator II Trailer Reaction: the Historical Context & the Latin ⚔️

Why Reading in Translation Fails Us – Interview with Tim Griffith, creator of Picta Dicta

The Lighthouse to Ancient Greek: Interview with PHAROS author Adrian Hundhausen

Herculaneum Scrolls RECITED in GREEK

Shadowing: A Technique to Learn Any Language

Herculaneum Scrolls Reveal Plato's Burial Location

What language was the Bible written in? New Testament GREEK or ARAMAIC?

Did (The) Homer Use The Article? 🍩⚔️ Epic Greek!

Why “Traditional” Methods Don’t Work for Latin or Greek (or any language!) 2nd Language Acquisition

How to Macronize Any Greek Text - Where do the long vowels go?

Deciphering the Herculaneum Scrolls 📜 🌋

Latin & Greek of the Geologic Timescale

How to Learn Ancient Greek: The Ranieri-Roberts Approach

My First Time Out West: The Badlands Unveils Earth's Ancient History

Greek Pronunciation in Ancient Rome: The Variants of Lucian Pronunciation

Latin Cases Controversy: The Old Order & The New Order

The Neuter Gender in Old Italian 🇮🇹

What is Latin's 'Sonus Medius' ?

The Iliad – What did Ancient Greek poetry sound like?

Niagara Falls: how much water? — Geology of a Waterfall

I’m not American — at least in Spanish 🇺🇸

Macedonia: Greek or Slavic? How Greece got a country to change its name 🇬🇷 🇲🇰