Все публикации

A Great Gig - Pink Floyd - Money

Corn bunting on a tree

Hover fly enjoying its meal

Sparrow having a bath at NYC central park

22 crazy Greeks from all over Greece gathered and visited Durango to attend the total solar eclipse!

Total solar eclipse 2024 - Durango, Mexico #astronomy #space #solareclipse #eclipsehunters #galaxy

Grey heron gets a unexpected surprise while flying! Part 2

Grey heron gets a unexpected surprise while flying! Part 1

Φαλαρίδα - Eurasian coot #2

Barn swallow - Σταβλοχελίδονο

Φαλαρίδα - Eurasian coot

Kos mountains explored!

Kos island hiking 29.10.2023, Kefalos area

Mountains of Kos, Aghios Theologos Chapell

Perseids meteor shower 2023, Greece

Mt. Dikaios, Kos island, Greece

Workshop Αστροφωτογραφίας Π.Ε.Ε.Α. 2023, Μέρος 1ο

Nissyros, exploring Dodecanese

Mt. Dikaios, Kos mountains explored!

Ενα πρωϊνό, Ξαρχάκος, Κότσιρας & Σάια Ιπποκράτεια 2023

Υπομονή, Ξαρχάκος, Κότσιρας & Σάια Ιπποκράτεια 2023

Μάνα μου Ελλάς Έναρξη Ξαρχάκος, Κότσιρας & Σάια Ιπποκράτεια 2023

Zia & Kefalos, Kos island, Greece

F16 fighter aircraft