Все публикации

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and The Dante Club

Fanny Longfellow’s “Ethereal Baby” and her Moment in the History of Medicine with Tegan Kehoe

George Washington: Slave Owner, Asserter of Liberty

Early History: Of Bondage and the Building of Brattle Street

Henry W. Longfellow: At Home and in Print

The 20th Century and Beyond: A Legacy of Preservation

Views of Longfellow House-Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site (no narration)

The Cross of Snow

Hawthorne (Audio Described)


A Day of Sunshine

A Day of Sunshine (Audio Described)

The Quadroon Girl

The Quadroon Girl (Audio Described)

The Tides (Audio Described)

The Tides

Henry Longfellow 214th Birthday Celebration at Mt. Auburn Cemetery

Hunting Pudding

Hands on History: Holiday Stockings

Hands on History: Popsicle Stick Tree

Sponge Cake

Filet de Boeuf

Christmas Bells Reading

Burnt Cream