Все публикации

IRS Investigating Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims

Foreign Gifts and the Uncommon Form 3520: A Trap for the Unwary

Form 5471 Penalty

FBAR Penalty

Form 3520 Penalty video1297663015

Offshore Foreign Asset Planning Questionnaire Explanation

Tax Planning Questionnaire Explanation

Planning Questionnaire Explanation

IRS IRM 20.1.9 International Penalties

Penalty relief for International Information Forms 5471, 5472, and 8865

Small PFIC Exception to Filing Form 8621

Beware IRS Letter 6291

Harvard Professor Convicted of Tax Crimes including FBAR Failures

United States v. Bittner

FBAR Part IV specifies where the filer has signature or other authority but no financial interest.

FBAR Deadline Extended to December 31, 2021

Non-Residency under the IRS Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures (SFOP)

Eligibility under the IRS Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedure (SFCP)

IRS Form 14653 Certification US Person Residing Outside US Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures

Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures

New Favorable Court Decision: One penalty (not multiple) applies for late FBAR filing

IRS Letter 6185 Options for Taxpayers

The Dreaded IRS Letter 6185: “We received information that you have a foreign account”

Form 5471 Categories of Filer