Все публикации

Excel files in Vizzu 📁

Vizzu x Google Cloud 🚀

Swipe vizzus on Mobile 📱

Customize your headlines and captions in Vizzu 0.3.1

Olympic Gold Race: Top 10 Countries

Auto Slide Creation in #Vizzu

Get to Know Vizzu 📊 🎬

130 Years of Changing Gender Dynamics in Olympic Medals

🆕 Publish vizzus 📊

Auto Slide Creation

Welcome to Vizzu Beta

20,000+ Olympic Medals and Counting: A Century in Review

The Idea Behind Vizzu

Put Your Data in Motion 🎬 📊

Vizzu Beta Launch Celebration - June 27

Animated Insights: Apple’s Sales Revenue (2014-2023)

What's your chart of choice? 📊

Oppenheimer Broke a 20-Year Trend by Winning Best Picture as a Box Office Hit

@Oscars and Box Office Hits in the Last 30 Years

Farmer's share of chocolate bar #shorts

Vizzu App teaser - Infinite chart #shorts

Vizzu App Teaser #shorts

Vizzu App teaser - Infinite chart #shorts

Farmer's share of chocolate bar #shorts