Все публикации

The Voyage of Fathom - Single-handed Circumnavigation in 5 minutes - Route Animation

Single-Handed Sailing Circumnavigation: The Voyage of Fathom - Part 2

Single-Handed Sailing Circumnavigation: The Voyage of Fathom - Part 1

Returning to Yarmouth after 4 years and 37,000 miles sailing around the world.

Sailing Azores to the UK single handed on a Vancouver 28

Shakedown Sail before single-handed Atlantic Crossing

Pelicans at Sunset, Antigua

Enjoying the freedom of the sailing life with a bow jump in paradise

Anchored off the beach in slow mo, Low Bay, Barbuda

60 seconds onboard a 28 feet yacht during solo sailing circumnavigation

Sunset at anchor in Carriacou

Fathom launch Clarkes Court Boatyard October 2019

Sunset at Shirley Heights, Antigua

Alone at sea - embracing the solitude of the open ocean

Aries windvane and Aquair 100 tow generator on Vancouver 28

Large swell as ferry attempts landing at Saint Helena Island

Swimming with Whale Sharks at Saint Helena Island

Sailing past Cape Agulhus in a Vancouver 28

Vancouver 28 sailing upwind during solo sailing circumnavigation

Taking a sailing trip on a Kuna Indian dug out canoe in the San Blas Islands

Swimming with Manta Rays

Listen to my dinner falling off the stove!

Swimming with sharks and stingrays, Moorea, French Polynesia

Rum and Dolly Parton on Toau!