Все публикации

How to get organized and write a great paper

Ch 15 4 Mind body problem

Ch 15 2 Unconscious reasoning

Ch 15 3 Unconscious processing

Ch 15 1 Dissociations in consciousness

Ch 14 5 Group differences

Ch 14 4 Flynn effect

Ch 14 3 Fluid intelligence

Ch 14 2 Reliability and validity

Ch 13 4 Functional fixedness

Ch 13 3 Evaluating solutions

13 2 Generating solutions

Ch 13 1 Types of problems

Ch 12 1 Availability heuristic

Ch 12 3 Confirmation bias

Ch 12 4 Framing

Ch 12 2 Representativeness heuristic

Ch 11 4 Pictures and memory

Ch 11 2 Chronometric studies

Ch 11 3 Spatial tasks

Ch 11 1 Nature of visual imagery

Ch 10 3 Pragmatics

Ch 10 2 Grammar

Ch 10 1 Universals of Language