Все публикации

Meet the IPO Board - Director of Business and International Policy, Ben Llewellyn-Jones

Our IP Attaché network in the Middle East and North Africa

Meet the board- Director of People and Place Penny Phillpotts

'Meet the IPO Board' - Chris Mills

Meet the board - Finance Director Neil Hartley

IPO IT Academy: what tech training and support is available?

IPO IT Academy: What it's like to work in IT at the IPO

IPO IT Academy: what inclusivity support is available?

IPO IT Academy: opportunities available for future talent

Standard Essential Patents questionnaire for SME, small-cap or mid-cap businesses

Standard Essential Patents - do they work for SME, small-cap and mid-cap businesses?

First patent filing in IPO’s new digital service

Christabel Koh and Desmond Tan, IP Attachés for Southeast Asia and ASEAN

Samuel Stone, IP Attaché, China

Ben Llewellyn-Jones, Director of Business & International policy, introduces IPO's overseas IP team

Angelica Garcia, IP Attaché, Latin America and the Caribbean (LATAC)

Kayleigh Nauman, IP Attaché, North America

Lizzie Wilson and Valeriano Simone, IPO's IP Attaché team in Geneva

Adin Samson, IP Attaché, Europe

Case study: protecting your IP with cycling company Hornit

IT, Tech and Digital roles at the IPO

An introduction to the IPO's Creative Team

IPO CEO Tim Moss speaking on our Inclusion & Diversity Report 2020/21

Closing the Loop - Part 3