Все публикации

Physician training saved my newborn granddaughter: Future patients may not have the same privilege

What happens when hospitals replace doctors with NPs? Part 2

'My newborn baby required a rapid response: The NP that showed up had just worked in adult heme/onc'

Lack of informed consent: Patient nearly dies after CRNA mishap

Bloomberg reports concerns about NP education

Dangers of nonphysician ketamine infusions

Why Psychiatry Needs Psychiatrists (and not just psych NPs)

Fact or fiction: Article claims similar rates of inappropriate prescribing for NPs/physicians

'I didn't know how bad it was:' Report calls for urgent change to NP education

Physician own thyself: Opening your own practice

Report shows increase in NP malpractice claims, especially for NP-owned practices

Wisconsin NP legislator makes unprofessional comments during testimony on vetoed NP bill

Nephrologist discusses risks, benefits, and medical ethics of IV infusions for 'wellness'

Louisiana physicians hire lobbyist and defeat NP independence bill

The secret to retaining good doctors (and why hospital administrators don't want to hear it)

Bioethicist discusses use of the term 'doctor' by nonphysicians

Why is the media uninterested in discussing NP/PA risks?

Pregnant patient on multiple psychotropics managed by NP

Physician with pseudocholinesterase deficiency fights for anesthesiologist-led care

Physician describes evolution of NP/PA students over 35 years

Physician discusses why she will no longer train or supervise NPPs

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Plastic surgeon warns physicians to reject inappropriate supervision of medi-spas

When 'wellness' turns deadly: The dangers of nonphysician medi-spas