Все публикации

NM Tafe Screen Studies promo

The Game - Created by Josef Castro

Studying Nursing In a Pandemic

South Summit - Listen local

Perth Busker

Working in a pandemic

‘Australia’s Favourite Pastime’ produced by Jarod Taylor

Magic - Pierre Ulric

Fudge - A local Dream, Produced by Aaron Smith

A Great Pitch

Ron Manners: Childhood in Kalgoorlie

NM TAFE - Course Promo - Nick

Containers for Cuba

TAFE Promotional Video - Cert III Screen & Media

Tafe Promo – Screen & Media Course

Taleski's Supercars Australia | Directed by Nitzan Hanin

North Metropolitan TAFE - Celebrate 120 - Screen Media with Alan Milne

Welcome to Lit Therapy, a safe place for youth

TAFE Promo Digital Cinema

Evan Walker Greenspace

Working in a pandemic. Directed by Elisabet Pryor

The Cuban

100 Years of Electrics

The Reveal